If you want to use machine learning for potential energy surfaces, one of the biggest obstacles is getting the data to train machine learning potential. We have recently developed the physics-informed active learning protocol for efficient data sampling and training …

Active learning for building data-efficient machine learning potentials Read more »

Choosing a quantum chemical method suitable for your simulations is not an easy task, because you need to balance accuracy andcomputational cost requirements. Unless you use B3LYP all the time, of course. Generally, the more time you spend, the more …

Supercharge your computational chemistry with the universal and updatable AI models Read more »

Quasi-classical molecular dynamics (also known as quasi-classical trajectories (QCT)) accounts for the zero-point energy (ZPE) in contrast to classical dynamics and is very popular in studying chemical reactions (see, e.g., works by Houk et al. in PNAS 2012, 109, 12860 and J. Am. …

Quasi-classical trajectories to study reaction mechanisms like in PNAS and JACS papers! Read more »